Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Birgier, D. P., & Bar-Haim, E. (2023). Language Used at Home and Educational–Occupational Mismatch of Migrants by Gender. Social Indicators Research, 1-26.
Birgier, D. P., Lundh, C., Haberfeld, Y., & Elldér, E. (2022). Movers and Stayers: A Study of Emigration from Sweden 1993–2014. European Journal of Population, 1-32.
Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2020). “Migration across developed countries: German immigrants in Sweden and the US”. International Migration. 58 (6), 171-194
Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2019). “Selectivity and internal migration: A study of refugees’ dispersal policy in Sweden”. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, 66.
Birgier D. P. (2017). “Immigration, occupations, and native wages: Long time trends in the US”. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 51, 41-55.
Birgier D. P., Lundh C., Haberfeld Y. and Elldér E. (2016). “Self-selection and host country context in economic assimilation of political refugees in US, Sweden and Israel”. International Migration Review, 52(2), 524-558.
Book Chapters
Mandel H. and Birgier D. P. (2016). “The “Gender Revolution” in Israel: Progress and Stagnation”. Pp. 153-184, in Nabil Khattab, Sami Miaari and Stier Haya (eds.), Socioeconomic Inequality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan.
Working papers and other publications
Birgier, D. P & Bar-Haim, E. (2023). "Language Distance, Language Abilities, and Labour Market Outcome of Migrants by Gender". Stockholm Research Reports in Demography. Preprint.
Birgier, D., & Cantalini, S. (2023). The Trade-Off Between Employment and Overeducation: A Cross-Country Comparative Study of Immigrants in 17 Western European Countries". Stockholm Research Reports in Demography.
Maskileyson, D., & Birgier, D. P. (2022). "The non-economic and economic well-being of immigrants". Frontiers in sociology, 7.
Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2017). “Economic assimilation of immigrants arriving from highly developed countries: The case of German immigrants in Sweden and the US”. IFAU, Working paper 2017: 26
Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2017). "Självselektion och mottagningskontext: en studie av tyska invandrares ekonomiska integrering i Sverige och USA" IFAU RAPPORT, 2017:22